Books Written By Mr. Ghulam Farooq

Here are the books written by Mr. Ghulam Farooq, who is the President of the CRL (Centre for Research and Literature) Governing body:

1. Balochistan o Sindh e Tarr o Taab (Travels in Balochistan and Sind)


Year of Publication: June 2023

Author: Henry Pottinger

Translator's Name: Ghulam Farooq Baloch

Language / Nature: Balochi / Translation

Name of Publisher: Zind Academy Nushki

Availability: Available

2. Payambar (The Prophet)


Year of Publication: 2022

Author: Gibran Khalil Gibran

Translator's Name: Ghulam Farooq Baloch

Language / Nature: Balochi / Translation

Name of Publisher: Balochi Labzanki Deewan, Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan

Description: Payambar (The Prophet) is the Balochi translation of the English book written by Gibran Khalil Gibran during 1923 and which considered to be the master piece of the great author of 20th century. This book has been translated in more than one hundred languages of the world and this is the first time that it is being translated in Balochi Language. The book contain the philosophical ideas of the author about various subjects of life such as love, marriage, children, work, happiness and sorrow, home, crime, laws, independence, knowledge, pleasure, religion, death, etc. All these subjects have been described in a novel and interesting way which compel the readers to deeply think about all these matters.

Availability: Available

3. Africa Kay Baloch [The Balochs of Africa]


Year of Publication: December 2023

Author: Ghulam Farooq Baloch


Language: Balochi / Translation

Name of Publisher: Balochi Labzanki Deewan, Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan

Availability: Available

Year of Publication: December 2020

Author: Ghulam Farooq Baloch / Yar Muhammad Badini

Language / Nature: Balochi / Translation

Name of Publisher: Balochi Labzanki Deewan, Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan

Availability: Available

4. Chamman Andreen Mahlook (Invisible People)


Year of Publication: 2018

Author: Mian Raza Rabbani

Translator's Name: Ghulam Farooq Baloch

Language / Nature: Balochi / Translation

Name of Publisher: Balochi Labzanki Deewan, Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan

Description: This book is the Balochi translation of "Invisible People" written by Mian Raza Rabbani ex-Chairman, Senate of Pakistan. In this book there are short stories in which the pains and the miseries being faced by the down tradden and wretched people are described. A progressive thinking has been described through these short stories which according to the author, has already started shapping the mental thinking and feelings of the masses. Both the original book and its translation are quite interesting and heart-touching.

Availability: Available

5. Batal Ganj (The Treasure of Proverbs)


Year of Publication: 2011

Author: Ghulam Farooq Baloch

Language / Nature: Balochi / Research

Name of Publisher: Sayad Hashmi Reference Library, Malir, Karachi

Description: The book is a collection of hundreds of Balochi proverbs, presented alphabetically, which are used in Balochistan, mostly in Western parts. It also contains a number of articles written by different writers on Balochi Proverbs, describing their history, construction, background, and role in Baloch Culture and Balochi Literature. It also contains an article written in English by the well-known researcher Dr. Badal Khan Baloch so that people not familiar with Balochi language could also get some knowledge about. Balochi proverbs and their role in Balochi culture and life patterns. 

Availability: Not available in the market. However, it can be obtained from libraries.

6. Balochi Shaeri: Nuki'n Thaam - The Balochi Poetry: New Trends


Year of Publication: 1983

Author: Ghulam Farooq Baloch

Language / Nature: Balochi / Research

Name of Publisher: Balochi Labzanki Deewan, Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan

Description: The book has two parts. In the first part, it presents a description, probably for the first time of the historical stages or periods of Balochi Poetry, from 15th century till the end of 20th century. It analyses each stage or period systematically with samples of poems of each period. The second part of the book deals with the poets of the modern age, starting after sixteens. Each poet is described along with some selected poems written by him. The book has remained a reference source for researchers of Balochi language and literature and was included in the MA (Balochi) course of University of Balochistan (UoB).

Availability: Not available in the market. However, it can be obtained from libraries.

7. Cha Balochi o dege zubanan 
darchetageen dihee kessah (Selected
folk tales
from Balochi and other


Year of Publication: 2023

Author's name: Ghulam Farooq Baloch

Researchers Names: Mahjan Farooq, Maheen Wahid

Language: Balochi.

Name of Publisher: Centre for Research & literature (crl)

Description: The book is a collection of folk stories of Balochi language and also contains some folk tales of other languages translated in Balochi. It also contains a historical development of bringing the Balochi folk tales in written form and also provides a description of the role these stories have played in the cultural and educational development of the Baloch Society.

Availability:   Available.

Review of the book by Masood Hameed (published in daily Dawn of 11th August 2024)