Executive Committee Members of Centre for Research and Literature (CRL)

Ghulam Farooq Baloch - President of CRL


Mr. Ghulam Farooq is the Founder of CRL (Centre for Research and Literature) and the President of its Governing body and the Head of its Executive Body.

Mr. Ghulam Farooq Baloch has served at Senior Administrative and Finance/Audit positions in Karachi Port Trust (KPT), Gwadar Port Authority (GPA) and University of Turbat (UoT) for more than 35 years; including as Chairman GPA (Gwadar Port Authority) for some period.

Apart from the professional services performed in the fields of Finance, Accounting, Audit, Administration, Education, and Project Finance, he has been very active in the field of Literature since long. Mr Ghulam Farooq had also pioneered the establishment of a literary body named "Balochi Labzanki Diwan (Balochi Literary Society)" during early 80's which published a number of books as well as produced the renowned Balochi magazine "Balochi Labzank (Balochi Literature)" which was a landmark in the literary movement of Balochistan. The magazine continuously published from the start of 1990 till the end of 2004.

He has authored a number of books in Balochi and Urdu languages and written tens of articles which have been published in a number of magazines. His books including "Chamman Andreen Mahlook" which was the Balochi translation of "Invisible People" written by Mian Raza Rabbani, ex Chairman, Senate of Pakistan during 2019. He has also written two research books on Balochi Proverbs and Idioms and translated the master piece "The Prophet" and two other books written by Gibran Khalil Gibran. The latest book written by him is "Balochistan o Sindh o Thar o Thaab" - Travels in Balochistan and Sinde written by Lt. Henry Pottinger during 1816.

Mr. Ghulam Farooq can be reached at [email protected].

Chakar Khan - General Secretary


Shakil Ahmed - Joint Secretary


Khalil Ahmed - Treasurer

Abdul Wahid Baloch - Secretary (Press and Publications)
